rail trail?

the route
An extraordinary opportunity for the entire region
The Souhegan Valley has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to form the backbone of an alternative transportation network, right through the heart of the region.
Residents within 1 Mile
Jobs within 1 Mile
Imagine a place where walkers, runners, bicyclists, wheelchair users, inline skaters, horseback riders, and more—of all ages and abilities—feel safe to move throughout the Souhegan Valley for transportation and recreation.
16+ miles of little-used railroad right through the heart of the Souhegan Valley are currently for sale creating a once-in-a-generation opportunity to incorporate a rail trail into the future of the rail corridor and provide a revolutionary connection for 6 towns. The Friends of the Souhegan Valley Rail Trail is an organization working to raise awareness of, advocate for, and identify ways to help make this dream a reality.
Part 1
The Need
<p>Safe access to alternative transportation infrastructure is not just a “want”. To thousands of people in the Souhegan Valley, it’s a vital need.</p><h6><a href="https://svrt.wpengine.com/the-need/">Read More <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i></a></h6>
Part 2
The Benefits
<p>Alternative transportation provides unique enhancements for the local economy, increasing property values, improving health & fitness, and much more.</p><h6><a href="https://svrt.wpengine.com/the-benefits/">Read More <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i></a></h6>
Part 3
The Route
<p>Finding the most suitable place to start an alternative transportation network is essential to the successful formation of a functional and usable system.</p><h6><a href="https://svrt.wpengine.com/the-route/">Read More <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i></a></h6>
Part 4
The Concept
<p>Making a rail trail, much like making a road, is surprisingly complicated. What can and should be built largely depends on unique needs and constraints of the route.</p><h6><a href="https://svrt.wpengine.com/the-concept/">Read More <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i></a></h6>
Part 5
The Strategy
While the Souhegan Valley Rail Trail would not be an easy undertaking, there are clear and specific steps that can be taken in order to advance the cause. <h6><a href="https://svrt.wpengine.com/the-strategy/">Read More <i class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></i></a></h6>